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Thornton Eildon District Football & Netball Club


The TEDNFC is committed to providing a safe and fun environment for everyone who participates. We require that all players, coaches and spectators abide by the rules of good sportsmanship. 

TEDFNC Code of Conduct Policy


COMMITTEE: The Thornton Eildon District Football and Netball Club (TEDFNC) has a current committee in place voted upon at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The persons who contribute to these roles will get together once a month for regular meetings. The committee comprise of; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Club Executives and well as sub committees within departments and General Committee Members. As club members you have the right to vote at the AGM’s and bring any issues/ideas you may have up with the committee at any time throughout the year. For a full list of the current club committee please contact your Secretary. WORK AROUND THE CLUB: Players are expected to assist where possible at the club by helping with fundraising, functions and anything that may assist the club in raising funds or facility improvement/maintenance. For some club functions and assisted jobs a roster will be created by the committee. Players may swap with another player if unable to fulfil the required task. Player must notify the task leader or committee of the intended swap. 

SOCIAL FUNCTIONS: All players are expected to attend all club functions. Players not in attendance are required to pay admittance fee or any other fees the committee have set for the function; please see your coach if you are unsure if this applies to you. 

SMOKE FREE POLICY: To encourage a healthy lifestyle and comfortable surroundings all functions, clubrooms, change rooms and veranda areas are STRICTLY SMOKE FREE areas. Signs are placed around the club and we expect players and members to respect others. Smoking is allowed in car-park area, away from entrances and outside of the club boundaries. 

RESPONSIBLE ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT POLICY: TEDFNC will comply with Liquor Licencing Victoria Regulations. A copy of this can be found at the bar within club rooms. The club provided a range of non-alcoholic, light, mid-strength and heavy beverages. Water is always available within the bar or canteen. The club is NOT licenced for Bring Your Own alcoholic beverages. Alcohol will NOT be sold, served or consumed by minors. The Responsible Serving of alcohol will be adhered to, therefore the bar staff reserve the right to refuse service to minor and those that are intoxicated. Club members and bar staff encourage those drinking to pre-organise a safe form of transport home. ANY club members that do not comply too these rules will be deemed in breach of the code and therefore called to give evidence before the Active Executive Committee. Each case will be dealt with individually and may result on a financial donation towards the club but is not restricted to this form of punishment. 

PLAYERS: All Football and Netball players are required to find an individual Player Sponsor with a minimum contribution of $50. This contribution greatly contributes to our club and goes into its sustainability throughout the season. Please see Matt Herridge (or Treasurer) for more information regarding player sponsors and to pass on your sponsorship and business information. 

PLAYER FEES: Player Membership Fees are to contribute to League Insurance Payments and a small amount back to the club for general running costs. These MUST be paid before the first practice round of Football or Netball (no exceptions). If you would like to set up a payment plan, please speak with the club Treasurer. Fee amounts per grade/team will be announced early 2021. This will be done via Facebook and email correspondence. All fees will be invoiced. Any players wishing to pay via Direct Debit into the club account, will be considered on a case by case basis. 

INJURY MANAGEMENT: If a player receives an injury during a game he/she must seek out a trainer to receive any treatment required. This will then be recorded within the Trainers log book. Players are also required to report any injuries post game to also be recorded (which may not present themselves until the day after the game) If you have not reported your injury you will be expected at all training sessions in perfect health. 

If you do receive an injury during the game, be aware that most injuries are made worse by adding alcohol. Please take responsibility for your body and its health. 

TRAINING: All players are to attend all sessions with appropriate training gear i.e. runners/boots, clothes etc. If you are unable to make a training session it is your responsibility to contact your head coach. Our mission is to improve as a team and we cannot do so with frequent missing players. Those that travel in excess of an hour to training and are unable to make all sessions are encouraged to train Tuesday nights together in a central spot. Thursday trainings are compulsory to all players. Selections Nights: All players and coaching staff are required to stay back post training on Thursday nights for game day team selections and awards from the previous week. GAME DAY: All players are expected to be at all games to support the game before theirs, allowing enough time for strapping should you require it. Closer to the first game of the season your coach will let you know times of expected arrival for away and home games. Wear the club logo with pride – arrive to all game days in your team uniforms in a tidy respectful manner. The committee hopes you share the same passion for the club and respect the logo. If you are running late to a game due to unforeseen circumstances it is your responsibility to make contact with your coach, if you are unable to make contact, try your captain and so on until team management is notified. The team leadership group will decide your movements once you arrive. If you are taken off the field/court you are not to argue with any team mates, runners or coaching staff. If you are not told why, you may ask in a respectful manner and discuss further post game – remember it is not only our team there on game day and your actions can reflect badly on the club and result in a lift for the other team and a negative flow on attitude among our players. If players do not agree with decisions being made by the bench staff, they are encouraged to speak with this leadership group ONLY. 

Football and Netball are both team games and rules must be followed. There is no room for individuals. Players are not to argue on the field/court with team mates under any circumstance. After the game warm down stretches must be performed by all players. All players are expected to participate in a round the ground clean up as a warm down after home games. This will be organised on a roster system by the Leadership Group. Netballers are encouraged to pick any rubbish up and tidy if they see mess around – Team Effort! Players are expected to remain at clubs until your team talks are done. Times will vary depending on team, will be confirmed closer to beginning of the season. Players are also encouraged to stay back after all games on home game days to interact with your supporters and club members. This is not compulsory, but remember they have spent the day cheering our players on, we wouldn’t be the strong club we are today without them. Players are expected to have at least one drink post games on away days to express a good presence at opposition clubs. We want opposition clubs and members to have a drink and support our club at home games, let’s lead by example. Players are asked to keep the area you are sitting in tidy. Please ensure any rubbish is put in the bin including strapping tape. 

SUPPORTING OUR TEAMS: Always remember your behaviour (both verbally and physically) reflects back on the club as a whole. Respect others around you when barracking on our teams. We are all passionate about our Football and Netball and enjoy hearing the support as a player and barracking as a supporter. We openly invite club, local, community and 

opposition families to our home games and pride ourselves on being a respectful club, please help us maintain this club quality at both home and away games. 

When wearing the club emblem you are to behave in a manner that reflects only positively and respectfully to others. This includes; training sessions, home and away game days and in your own time – especially in public. It’s great seeing the extended support and having members and supporters wearing our club emblem outside of the facilities and we strongly encourage this support – please wear it with pride and respect. 

If you have any queries positive or negative please feel free to come and see the coaching staff or leadership group at any time. If we are not aware of an issue, how can we improve and develop as a team! 

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