TEDFNC is always looking for new volunteers to join our football club. Whether you have experience in coaching, refereeing, or administration, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for TEDFNC, please contact us today!
The generosity and hard work of volunteers help our club continue to be a positive second home in our community. We welcome all support – great and small – and would love to get to know you. If you would like to join the team, please enter your details and availability below and we will get in touch.
Please note, all volunteers must hold a current Victorian Working With Children’s Check.
We at the club sincerely thank you for expressing interest in supporting us with your time. As a primarily volunteer driven club, we would like to respect your involvement by allowing you to set your family-work-life-football club balance with us. Our first step in doing so is to gauge your maximum time boundaries and provide you with formal channels should you need to follow up anything regarding your role with us.
The purpose of this form is for you, the volunteer, to:
Formalise the agreement we’re making between yourself and the club
Define the maximum amount of your time you’re able to donate to us, and how regularly
Express your interest in particular roles around the club
Our volunteer coordinator will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss our next steps via your preferred method as ticked below.
Want more information? Contact us